[re} imagine think to IMPACT
[re} imagine-it aims at helping organisations approach complex issues with new
perspectives and provide them with the ideal context for solutions to emerge.
[re} imagine think to IMPACT
[re} imagine-it aims at helping organizations approach complex issues with new
perspectives and provide them with the ideal context for solutions to emerge.
[re} imagine think to IMPACT
[re} imagine-it aims at helping organizations approach complex issues with new
perspectives and provide them with the ideal context for solutions to emerge.
[re} imagine think to IMPACT
[re} imagine-it aims at helping organizations approach complex issues with new
perspectives and provide them with the ideal context for solutions to emerge.
[re} imagine think to IMPACT
[re} imagine-it aims at helping organizations approach complex issues with new
perspectives and provide them with the ideal context for solutions to emerge.
Re-imagining organisations? WHY?
Society and organisations are getting more complex
➔ All the big challenges faced today are interrelated
Hyperconnectivity / Digitalization
➔ Many opportunities but also a lot of uncertainties and volatility
More and more employees want a job with purpose
➔ 90% of employees interviewed would change employer or accept lower salary to have more purpose
Source: https://www.greatplacetowork.de/events-and-great-blog/blog/warum-organisationen-einen-purpose-brauchen/
Consumers are getting more and more conscious
➔ 79% of buyers value more social responsibility, sustainability and inclusion in their purchase
Source: https://www.markenartikel-magazin.de/_rubric/detail.php?nr=33730&rubric=marke-marketing
The objective of imaginineering IS NOT to find solutions. Instead, imagineering ignites the collective imagination and creates space for people to innovate and find solutions together.
Indeed empowering people sparks their intrinsinc motivation while dealing efficiently with our complex and continously changing world.
Because „people do not resist their own ideas – Robin Rowley“, imagineering is a powerful process to shape robust organizations.
The imagineering process consists in 3 phases:
1. Inspiration.
2. Ideation.
3. Implementation.
Imagineering Process
The imagineering process consists in 3 phases:
in this phase appreciative inquiry is used to identify the strengths of the organization
in this phase co-creation is used to create altogether new vision and perspectives.
in this phase space for co-creativity is made for all stakeholders to be empowered to find solutions.
Imagineering: a unique design approach
Let‘s deep dive and look at the main differences between Imagineering, Design Thinking, Appreciative Inquiry and Agile Methods.
Imagineering aims at creating a movement and also the ideal context for all stakeholders to be inspired and to find together solutions, ideas and innovations. The ultimate goals are the shift of mental models and meaningful value creation.
Design Thinking aims at finding feasible and viable solutions that meet the needs of users.
Agile practices aims at managing projects in an efficient way.
Appreciative Inquiry aims at energising corporate values and culture by finding „what gives life“ to an organizations.
Imagineering uses appreciative inquiry and also co-creation tools – brainstorming technics but also uses serious games, story telling, reframing but most importantly concepting and the power of words.
Design Thinking uses co-creation tools – mainly brainstorming technics.
Agile practices use tools such as priority lists, teams check-in meetings, „public boards“ to track progress Design sprints etc.
Appreciative Inquiry is using appreciative interviews and co-creation tools – mainly brainstorming technics.
Imagineering considers the whole system of the organization. All stakeholders, intern and extern to the organization are inspired to co-create.
Design Thinking, Agile practices and Appreciative Inquiry are not system approach.
Imagineering: Co-creation is used in the process among all stakeholders (internal AND external of the organisation)
Design Thinking: Co-creation is used in the process among the interdisciplinary teammembers of a same organisation.
Agile practices are often more about improving collaborations than enabling co-creation.
Appreciative Inquiry: Co-creation is used in the process among a large number of employees of an organization.
Thanks to the Imagineering process, the ideal context for co-creation is set up in order to generate meaningful value.
This is not the case with Design Thinking, Agile Practices and Appreciative Inquiry.
This is the case with Imagineering, Design Thinking and Appreciative Inquiry.
This is less the case with agile practices where the focus is more on the improved performance and efficiency of a team.
Let‘s zoom-in on the main differences between
Let‘s deep dive and look at the main differences between Imagineering, Design Thinking, Appreciative Inquiry and Agile Methods.
Imagineering aims at creating a movement and also the ideal context for all stakeholders to be inspired and to find together solutions, ideas and innovations. The ultimate goals are the shift of mental models and meaningful value creation.
Design Thinking aims at finding feasible and viable solutions that meet the needs of users.
Agile practices aims at managing projects in an efficient way.
Appreciative Inquiry aims at energising corporate values and culture by finding „what gives life“ to an organizations.
Imagineering uses appreciative inquiry and also co-creation tools – brainstorming technics but also uses serious games, story telling, reframing but most importantly concepting and the power of words.
Design Thinking uses co-creation tools – mainly brainstorming technics.
Agile practices use tools such as priority lists, teams check-in meetings, „public boards“ to track progress Design sprints etc.
Appreciative Inquiry is using appreciative interviews and co-creation tools – mainly brainstorming technics.
Imagineering considers the whole system of the organization. All stakeholders, intern and extern to the organization are inspired to co-create.
Design Thinking, Agile practices and Appreciative Inquiry are not system approach.
Imagineering: Co-creation is used in the process among all stakeholders (internal AND external of the organisation)
Design Thinking: Co-creation is used in the process among the interdisciplinary teammembers of a same organisation.
Agile practices are often more about improving collaborations than enabling co-creation.
Appreciative Inquiry: Co-creation is used in the process among a large number of employees of an organization.
Thanks to the Imagineering process, the ideal context for co-creation is set up in order to generate meaningful value.
This is not the case with Design Thinking, Agile Practices and Appreciative Inquiry.
This is the case with Imagineering, Design Thinking and Appreciative Inquiry.
This is less the case with agile practices where the focus is more on the improved performance and efficiency of a team.
Let‘s zoom-in on the main differences between
Let‘s zoom-in on the main differences between
Imagineering, Design Thinking, Appreciative Inquiry and Agile Methods.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper tristique velit, sit amet fermentum nibh.
Rethink business model
Clarify mission and vision
Re-think marketing approach
Shape company cultures
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent semper tristique velit, sit amet fermentum nibh.
Rethink business model
Clarify mission and vision
Re-think marketing approach
Shape company cultures
Start a movement towards better collaboration, more creativity and greater innovations!
Rethink your business model
Shape an innovative company culture
Get people create and innovate together
Motivate and engage
I grew up in Normandie in France close to the sea side.
I studied in Paris and in Reims and in 2011, I earned a Master of Science degree in Management from NEOMA Business School (France).
Then I worked during 7 years at Henkel Gmbh in Germany and in Austria. I had the opportunity to learn many aspects of the organisation and develop key professional competences such as project management, strategic thinking, complexity management and communication skills in a multi-cultural environment.
In 2018, I moved to Douglas Gmbh, the largest cosmetic retailer in Europe, to learn a new type of organisation and business. It was a very exciting and challenging time to join this company, as a new management team was changing the structure, the strategy, and the corporate identity. Not only did I seized a totally different industry and company culture, but I also participated in transforming a whole organisation. On top, it was a great opportunity to develop myself, to better listen to my instincts and to release my creativity.
In February 2020 I took part in the Impact Expedition in Nepal, where I learnt for the first time how to apply imagineering techniques on a social innovation project on site. Inspired by this experience, I decided to learn more about these different ways to approach and solve problems and master fully these powerful techniques. I enrolled in the Master Imagineering at Breda University. This program was a solid step in the turnaround that I wanted to give to both my personal and professional life towards greater purpose and respect of myself, others and society at large.
I grew up in Normandie in France close to the sea side.
I studied in Paris and in Reims and in 2011, I earned a Master of Science degree in Management from NEOMA Business School (France).
Then I worked during 7 years at Henkel Gmbh in Germany and in Austria. I had the opportunity to learn many aspects of the organisation and develop key professional competences such as project management, strategic thinking, complexity management and communication skills in a multi-cultural environment.
In 2018, I moved to Douglas Gmbh, the largest cosmetic retailer in Europe, to learn a new type of organisation and business. It was a very exciting and challenging time to join this company, as a new management team was changing the structure, the strategy, and the corporate identity. Not only did I seized a totally different industry and company culture, but I also participated in transforming a whole organisation. On top, it was a great opportunity to develop myself, to better listen to my instincts and to release my creativity.
In February 2020 I took part in the Impact Expedition in Nepal, where I learnt for the first time how to apply imagineering techniques on a social innovation project on site. Inspired by this experience, I decided to learn more about these different ways to approach and solve problems and master fully these powerful techniques. I enrolled in the Master Imagineering at Breda University. This program was a solid step in the turnaround that I wanted to give to both my personal and professional life towards greater purpose and respect of myself, others and society at large.
➔ In 2011 I earned a Master of Science degree in Business and Administration with a specialisation in Marketing from École
Supérieure de Commerce de Reims (French Business School). During this master program, including 18 months of internships in
different companies, I have learnt basic Marketing and Sales techniques and acquired organisation and analytical skills. Already
then, the development of a more conscious way to do business seemed essential to me: I dedicated myself with passion into
Oikos International (an international student-led non-profit organisation for sustainability in economics and management) and
organised several conferences to encourage discussion about a more sustainable way to do business.
➔ After graduation, I started at the multinational company Henkel as a Regional Junior Product Manager for Consumer Adhesives. Excited by new responsibilities, I was also convinced that I will be able to drive some change towards more sustainability and conscious business within the company. During the 7 years I worked for Henkel, I was assigned to various roles in marketing, sales, business development, at local, regional, and international levels. Thanks to my ambitious personality and my high energy level I continuously learnt new aspects of the organisation and developed key professional competences such as project management, strategic thinking, complexity management and communication skills in a multi-cultural environment. Besides, I took the additional role of Sustainability Champion, to foster sustainability in brands and products development. I also led a key strategic sustainability project for the company: the launch of FusionXLT™, the first non-carcinogenic sealant for professionals.
➔ In 2018, I moved to Douglas, the largest cosmetic retailer in Europe, to learn a new type of organisation and business. It was a very exciting and challenging time to join this company, as a new management team was changing the structure, the strategy, and the corporate identity. Not only did I seized a totally different industry and company culture, but I also participated in transforming a whole organisation. On top, it was a great opportunity to develop myself, to better listen to my instincts and to release my creativity.
➔ In February 2020 I took part in the Impact Expedition in Nepal, organised by Carlijn Geluk and Lieke van Boxtel. We applied Imagineering techniques in a social innovation project on site. Inspired by this experience, I decided to learn more about these different ways to approach and solve problems and master fully these powerful techniques. I enrolled in the Master Imagineering at Breda University. This program was a solid step in the turnaround that I wanted to give to both my personal and professional life towards greater purpose and respect of myself, others and society at large
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They earthlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment alteration to. Place voice no…
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creativity to transform!
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Let‘s spark collective
creativity to transform!
Pleasant into although as if differed horrible. Mirth his quick its set front enjoy hoped had there. Who connection imprudence Middletons.
Let‘s spark collective
creativity to transform!
Pleasant into although as if differed horrible. Mirth his quick its set front enjoy hoped had there. Who connection imprudence Middletons.
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They earthlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment…
They earthlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment…
It starlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment…
The sunlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment…
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He moonlight difficult engrossed an it sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment…
Yourself off its pleasant ecstatic now law. Ye their mirth seems of songs. Prospect out bed contempt separate. Her inquietude…
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+49 (0)15735497941
Germany (Düsseldorf)
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